03 January 2009

Happy New Habits !

This is traditionally the time of year we take stock. Who we are, where we are, where we are going, where we want to be. Then we make resolutions … to be … better, different, taking a new direction, going somewhere. What has been your success rate with resolutions? Most people make them and most people don’t keep them. If that describes you, I say don’t make them. In fact, draw a line and don’t set yourself up for the failure of not keeping your resolutions. Why do that to yourself? Instead, take a look at yourself in a mirror. Really look to see YOU in all your beautiful individuality. Look beyond the reflection, into your inner core and ask some questions:
  • Can my body do what I want it to do?
  • Is my life what I want it to be?
  • Is there room for improvement – in my career, in my relationships, in me, in my physical surroundings?
  • What are my strengths?

Your answers will tell you what you need to know. Let’s take the first question. Can my body do what I want to do? It takes me to work and back home. I can do the household chores just fine. However, I need to take short hikes that aren’t too steep or I can’t keep up and I get winded easily. There is my answer: I need to build up my hiking muscles. Now let’s discuss just how to do that. Building a habit What would be some good habits to cultivate that will build up my hiking muscles? Taking walks would do that. I can build in stamina by adding distance, hills, and varying the speed at which I walk. I can also vary the types of terrain I walk, paved roads, a forest trail or the “wild” area of my local park. Now that the “what” and “where” has been decided, when shall I walk? I can easily build in short walks by parking in the far parking spot at the grocery store and at work. That won’t take up much additional time to my schedule. I can walk to a local park, through some paths and home for about 30 minutes before work three times a week. On weekends I can spend an hour on Sunday and add some hill work into the mix. Voila, a new habit is born. Habits are the building blocks of your character. Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Repetition of daily acts will build a habit that in turn will build our character. Selecting good habits over time will build a strong character that will serve you well. The habits must become routine – you do them without thinking about doing them. Like tying your shoelaces. This in turn will condition you in advance for positive outcomes. Once our habits are established, they set us up for success by the thoughts and activities we choose to incorporate into our daily thinking and way of being. Our destiny follows the path of our character, which followed our habits. Positive habits will move us forward one action at a time to our desired goals. Choose a few habits (less than five) to incorporate into your life. Monitor your progress. Before a change can become a habit, it must be repeated again and again. And again. Some say it takes nineteen repetitions for a new change to become a habit. Give yourself time to improve. Make positive changes a step at a time with the determination that you will succeed. This work will be worth it, because you are worth it! By this time next year you will have a stronger character with good habits moving you forward to success that is already inside you. You are the perfect outcome and moving toward your life’s purpose.

This is a great time to contact me to get an action plan together to get your life in the direction you want to go by creating some good habits. Call me now at 916.803.1494 or send me an email to eal@EALCoaching.com . Warmly, Elisabeth

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