07 June 2009


Some simply call it instinct, gut feeling, hunch or vibes, and it often defies reason and logic, but it can be one of your most important tools to point you in the right direction when all else fails. What is Intuition? It is a feeling that something is right or wrong. People frequently report having the feeling in the gut or stomach area. It can be a subtle or distinct feeling. You can have this feeling about people, places, things or situations. The more you exercise or use your intuition, the sharper and more accurate it becomes. I think we have all experienced intuition; we just may not have recognized it or paid attention to it. Emerson called it "the divine impulse." Whatever you call it, we all recognize it as a deep kind of knowing that transcends reason and logic, defies understanding, and yet undeniably points us in the right direction when all else fails. How To Strengthen Your Intuition Muscle Few know how it works, and fewer still know that there are things you can do to activate and accelerate it to work when you need it. For starters, intuition works best off a solid foundation of knowledge. Start with a subject about which you are very knowledgeable. I don’t mean simply having an awareness of facts or book learning. Real knowledge is far more than information; it’s derived from having direct experience with the subject. Intuition is driven by enthusiasm. It is a byproduct of an intense desire to make what you care about even better. What are you passionate about? Intuition requires a clear and organized mind. It is a subtle and fleeting insight that can be easily lost under a mountain of unfinished business, or swept away in the drama of disorder. Is it time to catch up with old matters, finish unfinished business and clear your desk? The more you procrastinate, the greater your loss when it comes to tapping into your intuitive reserves. Finally, intuition is your sixth sense and it’s as physical as your five senses. Your intuition depends on your physical body to relay messages as if it were a radio broadcasting to your mind through your gut feelings. This means that if you are hung over, stressed out, under-exercised, sleep-deprived, overscheduled or preoccupied, chances are you will miss the subtle calling cards of your intuition. You can pick up the intuitive broadcast only if the radio (your body) is working. Intuition also slips into our awareness when our mind has quiet moments. If you rush through each day like a firefighter on a drill, you will feel very little of anything, let alone the subtle vibrations coming from your intuitive channel. To discern the subtle takes time. Slow down; give yourself a break. Some of the greatest inventions and visions were born in a moment of doing nothing. Doing nothing doesn’t mean nothing is being done. On the contrary, giving yourself a little breathing space allows your higher awareness to kick in and offer its input. Freud said, “When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons. In vital matters, however, such as the choice of a mate or a profession, the decision should come from the unconscious, from somewhere within ourselves. In the important decisions of personal life, we should be governed, I think, by the deep inner needs of our nature.” Or, instinct. To activate your intuition, you must calm your other senses as well. Meditate. Take a walk without the iPod or cell phone. Do whatever it takes to eliminate distractions and create a window of intuitive opportunity. Conrad Hilton used to sit quietly until intuition kicked in. Isaac Newton meditated under an apple tree. Find your quiet corner for inspiration. Expect intuition to show up. And it will! Need help? Email me and we can hone your intuition skills. Don’t wait, contact me now. A dream with a plan is a goal. A goal without a plan is just a dream. Warmly, Elisabeth Elisabeth Adler-Lund Executive And Life Coaching Telephone: 916 • 803•1494 E-mail: eal@EALCoaching.com

1 comment:

  1. The part about overcoming procrastination was especially useful. Your posts are always so well written and the references to Freud, Conrad Hilton and Isaac Newton show that you have researched your topic. Good to reconnect after so many years.


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