19 July 2009

What Have You Done To Make Your Intention Happen?

The Secret doesn’t work for me. I sent my intention out and nothing happened.” So said “Gail,” an acquaintance I was talking with. The other people with us, all started nodding their heads in agreement or said something along lines of, “If it was that simple we’d all be rich/successful/etc.” I asked the question, “What did you do to make your intention happen?” As one, the group all looked at me as if I had sprouted a tree out of my head. Then someone said, “Oh, you haven’t seen the movie, The Secret! You send an intention out into the Universe, and somehow you get it.” Somehow? Sigh. As a coach, I am supposed to help people clarify their goals. One of the best ways to do that is to keep asking questions until the person has clarified in their own mind, exactly what their goal is, and most importantly, how to get there. Things do not magically happen. Things do not “somehow” happen for you. The Secret is not a magic formula that will do all the work for you. This is why, for the group of people I was with, “The Secret doesn’t work” for them. Fuzzy thinking For most of the people who do not believe in The Secret, it is this fuzzy thinking that they find so amusing. If those people had truly understood The Secret, they would not have explained it by saying that “somehow” you get your intention. They would have known the formula ... the secret! This is wishing. This is daydreaming. Some hallmarks of wishing for success are jumping from opportunity to opportunity, not persistently following something to conclusion or fruition. They watch the news and focus on it. They wait for things (the economy, life, their job or relationship) to get better. They have vague aspirations at best. They don’t have real, concrete goals with deadlines. They find deadlines restrictive, because they want to be “open” to the next opportunity. They don’t measure their progress, because they will get to it when … things get better, a better opportunity comes along, whenever. They haven’t built in accountability. Things do not magically happen If you send out an ‘intention’ into the Universe, without any actions, the Universe thinks you are dreaming or wishing. So no response is necessary. As the saying goes, the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. Again I ask you, “What have you done to make your intention happen?” If you don’t back-up your intention with an action or series of actions, things will not happen. Wishing will not one day, with little effort, make abilities to suddenly bubble up inside you, and, miraculously, rewards will appear. It is as simple as daily planning, so you focus on your next step to reach your goal. It’s as complex as knowing the whole goal and seeing the next step to take on the journey. The Secret for Success To be successful, you need to have a sense of urgency about becoming successful. You have set the BIG goal and all the intermediate steps for the achievement. You have to put deadlines on your goals and measure your progress. You have to stick with your goals persistently, consistently and work hard to make them happen. You have to take charge of your future and focus on the prize! Yes, you have to be open to see the opportunity. Yes, you have to hone your abilities so you can take advantage of the opportunity. These things do not belong to those who are more privileged or talented. Right now, you hold all of the potential in the world. Work with it, stay with it, and you’ll be able to accomplish anything. Then the Universe will swing into action, showing you opportunities you didn’t know where there before. Luck is just being prepared for opportunity when it comes along. That way you can take advantage of it. Coaching will help to define your goal and see your opportunities. We will build in accountability so you attain your prize, and release your full potential! A dream with a plan is a goal. A goal without a plan is just a dream. Warmly, Elisabeth Elisabeth Adler-Lund Executive And Life Coaching Telephone: 916 • 803•1494 E-mail: eal@EALCoaching.com

1 comment:

  1. Your post about "The Secret" is so true. Intentions without actions results in nothing most of the time.
    I do believe the universe will provide.
    Elisabeth, your posts are always so positive and helpful. I am happy to see you doing this and being actively engaged in helping others.
    All the best.


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